Friday, March 31, 2006


So, guess what I did today? I bought a lot of stickers. Why you might ask? because the kids at the Compassion projects love stickers. I just can't wait to go on another trip! Last night, in my Life Hurts God Heals meeting (for teens, I am a group leader) in the general meeting with all of us, I wanted to start dancing and felt such amazing joy. Yep, I think this path is the right one. God gives you joy and peace when you are walking His path.

I think I was on the path before. I just was stuck. I wasn't moving forward, or backward. I hadn't stepped off the path, just was standing there. Trying to hear His voice, trying to see the path. Now, I am dancing down it!

Mom said if I go to Peru with Compassion, she would go with me, so this weekend I will pick up a fifth child, in Peru. The next tour to Peru is in April 2007!! How can I stand to wait that long? In 3 more years, my vacation time increases from 3 weeks a year to 4 weeks a year, plus 12 comp days and 1 personal day. When that happens maybe I can do 2 tours a year!!!

Skip the house too. My apartment is huge compared to the houses in El Salvador. And it's just me!!! That will save a ton of money and allow me to go to these wonderful places where God is working His wonders and His love shines thru all the beautiful faces of His precious children.

God bless

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I am back from El Salvador, Sigh.

I really don't have words to describe the experience. Other than I don't really want to be back.

One of the Compassion workers in El Salvador said that when you hug the kids at the projects (a different meaning there than here) you are hugging Jesus. I believe that. They were so very awesome and I am even more impressed with Compassion than I was before I went.

I also might need a bit of prayer conformation on the new direction my life is about to take. For many years now I have talked about adopting a child. I have never managed to get around to doing it, or even really taking active steps towards that goal. I have wanted to be a mom since I was 12!

Anyway, on Wednesday morning in the Puerta Libertdad project, I was hugging this little girl named Miryela. And I was crying. A lot. And I had a thought, that maybe this is what God wanted me to do, sponsor tons of kids all over the world and go visit one of them every year. I could help bring so many to Christ that way, I could help so many out of poverty and suffering that way. Instead of helping one child, I could help the world. By Friday I was pretty sure I was right. I couldn't (and still can't) image never doing a trip like that again. If I adopt, as a single parent with student loans, I would never be able to visit another child I sponsored again. And while part of my heart is breaking, because I am saying goodbye to my daughter (I wrote a letter to her) I am also crying in joy, for finally understanding God's plan for my life. I told my Mom and she said that she had a dream that I spent the rest of my life doing this, sponsoring and visiting kids. She had the dream when I was in El Salvador. And she started crying.

Anyway, (again) a bit of prayers from others and confirmation that this is God's path for me would be nice!

I was so touched by one of the girls I met Monday, Sara, that I had to sponsor her too. I pulled her aside and found out that she didn't have a sponsor and that afternoon they found her information and I became her sponsor. Also, they arranged to have her join Nahum and I at the water park on Tuesday! How impressive is that!! When the staff told her why she was standing there with a bunch of adults surrounding her, that I wanted to be her sponsor, she got a huge smile and said yes, I want her to be my sponsor. How can anything be better than that?

As soon as I download my pictures to the computer and figure out flicker I will post a link to the photos.

God bless.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Almost here

In less than 2 weeks, I will be on my way to Florida and then to El Salvador and the adventure of my lifetime!! (so far anyway) I am going with Compassion International, a christian group that sponsors kids in Church schools. I sponsor Nahum. He is 11.

While in El Salvador, I will be spending time at a school and playing with the kids, I will be spending the day with Nahum at a water park and a day building houses in an area devestated by a hurricane (stan) last year.

I have been having a blast buying stuff for the kids! Candy, games, stickers, puzzles, crayons etc. And stuff for Nahum and his family. I don't think there will be much room in my suitcases for clothes!!!

I am so very excited, I can hardly wait. And as a bonus, the group is flying out of Miami, so I am flying into Ft. lauderdale and spending a few days with my parents. That's pretty cool. It would be quicker to get to El Salvador from California (where I live) or even Dallas (which is where they flew out of last year) but, the parents factor makes it cool.

Everyone seems a little worried about me going there, but all our activities are day trips and we will be returning to San Salvador (the capitol) every night and staying here. Not exactly roughing it!! I will have a roommate tho, and I hope we get along ok. I haven't had a roommate in 7 years so this should be interesting!

Oh and for this wonderful trip, I am considering buying a digital camera, a new world for me!! I borrowed one from a friend last summer, and it was pretty cool. I have to get a waterproof throwaway camera for the waterpark, that way I don't have to keep running to the rest area to take pictures!

God bless