Friday, September 09, 2005

First Thursday

Ok. So I think God has a great sense of humor. Last spring, I signed up to be a CO-leader in the crown financial ministries small group. That means I WOULD NOT be in charge and I'd just be helping someone who has been a leader before. Well, my leader dropped out and low and behold I got promoted!

So, Last night, the first Thursday of the Life Hurts God heals bible study for teens w/ issues began. Again, I signed up to be a CO-leader. Can anyone guess what happened?? My Leader couldn't be there, so another Lady was going to lead, except we had a ton of kids and low and behold I got promoted! Luckily for me, they put a girl in my group who has done the program twice before, so she helped me a little.

I was trained, but the training was sort of done with the assumption that I would be a CO-leader and I would be following someone else's lead. The other leader should be there next thursday, so it's just a temporary promotion.

It was very cool. There are so many kids out there hurting. It's nice to have a place for them to go and hear about God and help each other, just by listening. Giving them a place to freely talk and vent without fear is a very important thing.

Also, since it was the first night, the kids had to register. I signed up to assist at the information desk. I walked up to the desk and the kid there said we need you to fill out a form. I looked at her and said what? She said you have to fill out a form. I said why? and another leader came up and said to the kid, she's a co-leader and the kid goes wow, you look young. Now, I know I look young, but I didn't think that I looked like I was still in High School!!!!!!!!!!! I am 36, a long way from high school!

And that is the second time this week I got that "young" reaction. During lunch on Thursday, I went the christian bookstore, where I bought the new casting crowns album ( ) and the manafest album, and the lady at the counter asked me if I was attending the university!!! That's mildly better than folks thinking I am in high school, but at 36 college is also far behind me.

Just a strange day. And I can't wait for next thursday. Because you know what, I will be learning too, and growing too, and as much as I can be there for the kids, they will be there for me too.

God bless


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